David Douglas School District

  David Douglas School District No. 40 is located in East Portland. While located in the city, David Douglas is a separate district from Portland Public Schools. David Douglas School District covers 12 square miles of suburban homes, apartments, shopping centers and small businesses. It serves a community population of approximately 53,775. The David Douglas School District was formed in…


Youth Unlimited

Our mission is to help children of color in foster care reach their fullest potential.  We provide culturally responsive therapeutic foster care and residential care services.  Our resources focus on improving their academic, cultural, and social engagement skills.  


Juneteenth Oregon History

In Oregon, Juneteenth Oregon Celebration was founded 45 years ago by the late and beloved community leader Clara Peoples. The celebration of Juneteenth Oregon dates back to 1945 when Peoples introduced the tradition from Muskogee, Oklahoma, to her co-workers at the Kaiser Shipyards in Portland. Upon moving to Portland in 1945, Clara Peoples was surprised to learn that the…


A Place At Home

Jerome Philips & Kyara Philips – Operation Manager & Lead RN The Philips’ decided to launch the business after personally experiencing the challenges of caring for Jerome’s father during an unexpected and persistent illness. At this time, they became aware of both the needs of seniors and the challenges they face in navigating their way to appropriate care. As…