If you need a personal website or a website for your small business we can help.
Combined Like Dat Apparel designers have over 30+ years experience creating logos and building websites for small and large companies.
Today, your website needs to be viewable on everyone’s mobile device. Is your website mobile device friendly?
What we do:
Building your custom website
There are a number of websites and web companies that advertise, “we build you a free website” or “build a website with our software for free.” As with any free product, you get what you pay for. Some of these free sites end up costing an arm and a leg every month and the free site just isn’t easily modified by you. The other free site domains have limited templates so all the sites look the same and they are littered with advertising that pays for the site. This can be embarrassing if the domains advertising competes with your website and products.
We use WordPress primarily for client ease of use. WordPress, is a Content Management System, and used by 59.5% of all websites that are CMS websites. This is 26.4% of all websites. WordPress is the best option for the site owner that needs to update the site or have a blog that depends on daily updates.
We also build static html sites. This is the type of site that does not change or changes very little.
Mobile friendly design
Another advantage is that most of the themes created for WordPress are mobile friendly. Using these themes we can create a custom website that will work on any mobile device, smart phones, tablets, laptops, as well as your desktop at home/office. Being mobile friendly is very important today, as Search Engines will affect your ranking negatively if your website is not mobile friendly.
SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
Wikipedia defines Search Engine Optimization as the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a web search engine’s unpaid results. We can help you with your copy and your keywords so that people looking for you can find you easily.
Website maintenance is very important. Keeping the sites software up-to-date is the best way to keep it safe and prevent it from getting hacked. If you are not comfortable doing this we can take care of this for you.
If you need an e-commerce site we can set it up to sell products or services.
If you don’t already have a hosting service we offer hosting on the byBuko servers. Each hosting account comes with 100 email accounts.